Got a server, but no idea on any niches?
For many beginners, they want to start quickly to fully utilize the bandwidth. My suggestion is if you have idle resources, especially if you have lot of unused bandwidth, you may try free web proxy. Just after one week, you will be noticed the difference in bandwidth usage.
Web proxy, refers to a type of proxy service through web servers. A client connects to the service provider’s website (proxy server), then type the web address he/she wants to browse. The proxy server fetches the contents, and passes them to the client. (source: TheProxyGuide). Basically, you web server will be used as a proxy between the users and other websites.
Start a free web proxy is extremely simple: all you need to do is registering a domain and downloading one of the proxy scripts, most of time, either Glype or PHProxy. You may check the comparisons of proxy scripts before making the decisions.
The script is very simple, and if you need customizations, you may check the Glype website or TheProxyGuide. Most people just download a template, then use default settings to start with. There is a very nice Glype installation and configuration tutorial. You may go through it before launch your site.
Once the site is up, traffic will not come automatically. You need submit your site to some proxy lists. The best known proxy lists are: and Both of the sites approve proxies manually, so, be patient. usually after one or two days, your sites should be approved and you will receive decent traffic. If you have time, you may submit your proxy to another 10-20 such lists.
Of course, you need earn some money from web proxy. I will share with you on how to make money from web proxy sites in next article.
here is example for free web proxy website powered by glype